Saturday, 20 May 2023

Tuhituhi (Writing) - Term 2 (2023)

This term we have been focusing on descriptive writing. Our ākonga (students) have been learning to use words to describe the Big Bad Wolf from The Little Red Hood. We have been learning to use WOW words in our writing to make it more interesting. Keep up the good work team!

Science Week 2023

The students in Rūma Weka had a wonderful time during Science Week. Here they are making 'fireworks in a jar' and experimenting with adding drops of dishwashing liquid to a mixture of milk and food colouring.

Wednesday, 10 May 2023

Our Term 2 Week 2 Mahi

We have been working super hard in Rūma Weka and taking part in lots of different learning. Our tamariki loved baking Anzac Biscuits during Anzac Week and learning lots of different things about that period of time.

We have also been doing some different science experiments, everyone enjoyed seeing the fun reaction between baking soda and vinegar.

We also recently had a week where all of our students were present, so we took the opportunity to take a class photo. What a great team we have! Ka rawe!